Invest As Part of A Syndicate
Join HBAN supports syndicates across the island, providing deal flow and supports.
What is a Syndicate?
Syndicates are ten or more private investors working together to share the risks and rewards of investing in private companies and are typically comprised of a ‘fixed’ group of people who regularly invest together over a period of time, building trust and leveraging experience.
HBAN works syndicate leads who can offer guidance and support to help startups secure this funding.
Syndicates will also typically co-invest with seed venture capital funds, government agencies like Enterprise Ireland and other private investors.
Syndicate Benefits
Diversified portfolio: portfolio investing (i.e. investing in more than one company) is a lower risk approach to investment compared to the higher risk ‘all eggs in one basket’ approach of investing in just one or two companies
Pooling of economic resources: pooling of funds provides the opportunity to invest in several companies and/or in larger deals
Pooling of skills, contacts and experience: syndicate members will benefit from each other’s skills, networks of contacts and experience which enhances the possible success and returns of investing
Due diligence: ability to undertake a greater level of due diligence
Recognition: a formal syndicate can leverage its recognition in the investment community to attract deal flow to a greater extent than an individual can
The WXNW (West by North West) Syndicate (with a broad sector focus) encourages investment by successful investors, based in or connected to the Western counties, into innovative start-up companies.
The MedTech Syndicate is based in Galway and is comprised of seasoned MedTech entrepreneurs who help provide not only the funds but also the medical knowledge and commercial skill set to help catalyse and support medical innovation in the medical device sphere. The syndicate meets quarterly.
The South East Angel Network (SEBAN) is a group of investors based in the South East region who bring an extensive range of skills and experience from a wide variety of sectors. Members, who have a broad sector focus, are interested in investment opportunities in both start-up and more established businesses that are based primarily, though not exclusively, in the South East region.
The Kerry Angel Network launched launched in 2020 focuses on opening up opportunities for Kerry companies or companies that might want to locate in Kerry. It is an established network that aims to deliver value to members in the form of quality deals that have scale and opportunity for significant returns and potential for success.
The Impact Syndicate is targeting investors who want to invest in new businesses that have developed products or services which are part of the solution to building a cleaner, healthier more sustainable planet. The focus of the syndicate is on Climate, Agritech & Food Supply chain, Energy, Blue Economy, Health related and other Cleantech or ESG related Propositions. The syndicate will consider a mixture of pre-revenue and revenue opportunities in the seed and growth phases of their business life cycle.
HBAN NI is a business Angel network in Northern Ireland, managed by experienced entrepreneurs across ICT, engineering, med tech and many other sectors. Many of these entrepreneurs have successfully founded, scaled, and exited their own companies. The network comes with deep expertise to invest in the next generation of Northern Irish founders.
The International Angel Networks are spread across New York (Digital Irish), London, Singapore and Dubai. These networks are led by experienced entrepreneurs and angel investors who are located abroad but want to support and invest in scaleable Irish businesses.
“Syndicates provide angel investors with opportunities to pool capital and share peer learnings to make more informed investment decisions together. We invite you to join us in building a thriving angel investment ecosystem.”
Mark Farrelly, Region Lead, HBAN
Interested in joining a Syndicate?
Are you interested in angel investing and looking for guidance on how to become a new angel investor? Our team is here to help.
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